二次无约束二值优化模型(The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization(QUBO) model)
(参考文献:Quantum Bridge Analytics I: a tutorial on formulating and using QUBO models)一般形式The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization model (QUBO)根据二元的特性,可以将线性部分转化为二次部分The linear part can be transform
(参考文献:Quantum Bridge Analytics I: a tutorial on formulating and using QUBO models)
The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization model (QUBO)
The linear part can be transformed into the quadratic part by this equation
As for constrained models, can introduce quadratic penalties
对于penalty value的取值
For the selection of penalty value, a penalty value that is too large can impede the solution process as the penalty terms overwhelm the original objective function information, making it difficult to distinguish the quality of one solution from another. On the other hand, a penalty value that is too small jeopardizes the search for feasible solutions. Taking P to be some percentage (75–150%) of this estimate is often a good place to start. For problems with a linear objective function, the scalar P (with respect to transformation#2) can be chosen as small as the largest objective function coefficient.
A general purpose approach
As for problems with inequality constraints, we can always be put in this form by including slack variables and then representing the slack variables by a binary expansion.