
  1. 规则链中,收到的遥测数据要保存
  2. 目前我使用的是 postgresql


  1. TB的数据表结构说明

  2. SQL语句学习

  3. postgresql的安装使用说明

  4. postgreSQL psql工具使用详解


  1. 登录数据库

    ubuntu@VM-0-4-ubuntu:~$ sudo su - postgres
  2. 进入SQL控制台

    postgres@VM-0-4-ubuntu:~$ psql
    psql (12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-1.pgdg18.04+1))
    Type "help" for help.
  3. 链接数据库

    postgres=# \connect thingsboard
    You are now connected to database "thingsboard" as user "postgres".
  4. 查看所有数据库

    thingsboard=# \d
                                  List of relations
     Schema |                Name                 |       Type        |  Owner
     public | admin_settings                      | table             | postgres
     public | alarm                               | table             | postgres
     public | api_usage_state                     | table             | postgres
     public | asset                               | table             | postgres
     public | attribute_kv                        | table             | postgres
     public | audit_log                           | table             | postgres
     public | component_descriptor                | table             | postgres
     public | customer                            | table             | postgres
     public | dashboard                           | table             | postgres
     public | device                              | table             | postgres
     public | device_credentials                  | table             | postgres
     public | device_profile                      | table             | postgres
     public | entity_view                         | table             | postgres
     public | event                               | table             | postgres
     public | oauth2_client_registration          | table             | postgres
     public | oauth2_client_registration_info     | table             | postgres
     public | oauth2_client_registration_template | table             | postgres
     public | relation                            | table             | postgres
     public | rule_chain                          | table             | postgres
     public | rule_node                           | table             | postgres
     public | rule_node_state                     | table             | postgres
     public | tb_schema_settings                  | table             | postgres
     public | tb_user                             | table             | postgres
     public | tenant                              | table             | postgres
     public | tenant_profile                      | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv                               | partitioned table | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2017_01                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_05                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_06                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_07                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_08                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_10                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_11                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2021_12                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_2022_01                       | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_dictionary                    | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_dictionary_key_id_seq         | sequence          | postgres
     public | ts_kv_indefinite                    | table             | postgres
     public | ts_kv_latest                        | table             | postgres
     public | user_credentials                    | table             | postgres
     public | widget_type                         | table             | postgres
     public | widgets_bundle                      | table             | postgres
    (42 rows)
  5. 遥测数据 在 ts_kv_2022_01这类型的表 ,查看一下表结构

    thingsboard=# \d ts_kv_2022_01
                           Table "public.ts_kv_2022_01"
      Column   |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
     entity_id | uuid                        |           | not null |
     key       | integer                     |           | not null |
     ts        | bigint                      |           | not null |
     bool_v    | boolean                     |           |          |
     str_v     | character varying(10000000) |           |          |
     long_v    | bigint                      |           |          |
     dbl_v     | double precision            |           |          |
     json_v    | json                        |           |          |
    Partition of: ts_kv FOR VALUES FROM ('1640995200000') TO ('1643673600000')
        "ts_kv_2022_01_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (entity_id, key, ts)
  6. 这里的entity_id就是设备ID,所以通过id来SELECT

    thingsboard=# SELECT * FROM ts_kv_2022_01 WHERE entity_id='ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b';
                  entity_id               | key |      ts       | bool_v | str_v | long_v |  dbl_v  | json_v
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642123667898 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642123668858 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071818471 |        |       |        |    0.02 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071942863 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071838778 |        |       |        | 0.00123 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071945338 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071945993 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071946297 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642125097338 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642125098298 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071946952 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071947257 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071947898 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071948049 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071956538 |        |       |        |   0.001 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071957178 |        |       |        |   0.001 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071966476 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071967418 |        |       |        | 0.00103 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071972618 |        |       |        |   0.001 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071982794 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642071984058 |        |       |        | 0.00105 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642400016072 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642400018952 |        |       |        |  0.0456 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399944424 |        |       |        |  0.0442 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399844575 |        |       |        |  0.0375 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399947272 |        |       |        |  0.0456 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399950152 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399878175 |        |       |        |  0.0415 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399953144 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642400021832 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399995912 |        |       |        |  0.0429 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399998792 |        |       |        |  0.0442 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399890664 |        |       |        |  0.0389 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399893512 |        |       |        |  0.0402 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642400001672 |        |       |        |  0.0576 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399955912 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399958792 |        |       |        |  0.0456 |
     ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b |  60 | 1642399961672 |        |       |        |  0.0469 |
  7. 其中,ts是时间戳(10位秒+3位毫秒),可以搜一下固定范围内的数据

    SELECT * FROM ts_kv_2022_01 WHERE entity_id='ac3fec30-740d-11ec-bd2e-27176d3ae09b' AND ts>1642406418000 AND ts<1642408462000;
  8. 退出 SELECT后的显示 ,用 :之后 q即可


