--修改启用年份 update t_systemprofile set FValue='2018' where fcategory='GL' and Fkey='startyear'
update t_systemprofile set FValue='1' where fcategory='GL' and Fkey='startperiod'
update t_systemprofile set FValue='2018' where fcategory='GL' and Fkey='CurrentYear'
update t_systemprofile set FValue='1' where fcategory='GL' and Fkey='CurrentPeriod'
----修改供应链--修改启用年份 update t_systemprofile set FValue='2018' where fcategory='IC' and Fkey='startyear'

--修改启用期间 update t_systemprofile set FValue='1' where fcategory='IC' and Fkey='startperiod'

--修改当前年份 update t_systemprofile set FValue='2018' where fcategory='IC' and Fkey='CurrentYear'

--修改当前期间 update t_systemprofile set FValue='1' where fcategory='IC' and Fkey='CurrentPeriod'
  update t_systemprofile set fvalue='2018' where fkey='StartYear' and fcategory='FA' 
  update t_systemprofile set fvalue='1' where fkey='StartPeriod' and fcategory='FA'
  update t_systemprofile set fvalue='2018' where fkey='CurrentYear' and fcategory='FA' 
  update t_systemprofile set fvalue='1' where fkey='CurrentPeriod' and fcategory='FA'
--应收select * from t_RP_SystemProfile where FKey='FARCurYear'select * from t_RP_SystemProfile where FKey='FARCurPeriod'
--应付select * from t_RP_SystemProfile where FKey='FAPCurYear'select * from t_RP_SystemProfile where FKey='FAPCurPeriod'
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