RRT(Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees)算法详解及python实现
RRT(Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees)算法详解及python实现
RRT通过使用来自搜索空间的随机样本来生长以起始配置为根的树。 随着每个样本的绘制,都会尝试与树中最近的状态进行连接。如果连接可行(完全通过空闲空间并服从任何约束),则会导致新状态添加到树中。通过对搜索空间进行均匀采样,扩展现有状态的概率与其Voronoi区域的大小成正比。由于最大的Voronoi地区属于搜索前沿的state,这意味着该树优先向大型未探测地区扩展。树与新状态之间的连接长度经常受到增长因素的限制。如果随机样本与树中最近状态的距离超过此限制允许的范围,则使用随机样本沿树的最大距离处的新状态,而不是随机样本本身。随机样本可以被视为控制树木生长的方向,而生长因子决定其速率。
import time
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
show_animation = True
class RRT:
def __init__(self, obstacleList, randArea,
expandDis=2.0, maxIter=200):
self.start = None
self.goal = None
self.min_rand = randArea[0]#赋值采样范围最小值
self.max_rand = randArea[1]#赋值采样范围最大值
self.expand_dis = expandDis#设置采样步长,这里为2
self.max_iter = maxIter#设置最大迭代次数为300轮
self.obstacle_list = obstacleList
self.node_list = None# 存储RRT树,也就是树上那些节点
def rrt_planning(self, start, goal, animation=True):
start_time = time.time()#计时,统计时间
self.start = Node(start[0], start[1])#起点以Node的形式存储
self.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1])#终点以Node的形式存储
self.node_list = [self.start]#起点加入node_list,作为树的根节点
path = None
for i in range(self.max_iter):#for循环,采样用
rnd = self.sample()#采样
n_ind = self.get_nearest_list_index(self.node_list, rnd)#找离采样点最近的那个节点
nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind]#通过下标获得最近的节点,Xnear
# steer
theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x)#y方向/x方向的反三角函数
newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode)#从Xnear生长一段距离
noCollision = self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, nearestNode.x, nearestNode.y)
if noCollision:#如果没有碰撞假如rrt树
if animation:
self.draw_graph(newNode, path)
# 判断是否到达终点附近,即我们设置的提前停止的条件,
if self.is_near_goal(newNode):#具体:判断我们新加入的点newNode是否和终点很接近
if self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y,
self.goal.x, self.goal.y):#连起来之后判断是否与障碍物发生碰撞
lastIndex = len(self.node_list) - 1#下标是从0开始的,索引我们需要从结点个数-1获得离终点最近的新加入的点的坐标
path = self.get_final_course(lastIndex)#无碰撞就是找到了终点,就寻找这条路径,有碰撞进入下个循环
pathLen = self.get_path_len(path)
print("current path length: {}, It costs {} s".format(pathLen, time.time()-start_time))
if animation:
self.draw_graph(newNode, path)
return path
def sample(self):
rnd = [random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand), random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand)]
return rnd
def get_nearest_list_index(nodes, rnd):
dList = [(node.x - rnd[0]) ** 2
+ (node.y - rnd[1]) ** 2 for node in nodes]#for node in nodes遍历当前所有节点,然后计算节点和采样点的距离
minIndex = dList.index(min(dList))#通过min函数获得最近的距离,通过index获得最近距离函数的下标,将下标返回
return minIndex
def get_new_node(self, theta, n_ind, nearestNode): # 距离生长
newNode = copy.deepcopy(nearestNode) # 将最近的节点拷贝一份作为新节点
newNode.x += self.expand_dis * math.cos(theta) # 对新节点进行生长,x向
newNode.y += self.expand_dis * math.sin(theta) # y向
newNode.cost += self.expand_dis # 记录路径的长度,在原来cost上加上扩展的距离expand_dis
newNode.parent = n_ind # 记录它来自于哪个节点就是Xnear这个下标,用于最后的寻找路径
return newNode # 返回新节点
def draw_graph(self, rnd=None, path=None):
# for stopping simulation with the esc key.
lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
if rnd is not None:
plt.plot(rnd.x, rnd.y, "^k")
for node in self.node_list:
if node.parent is not None:
if node.x or node.y is not None:
plt.plot([node.x, self.node_list[node.parent].x], [
node.y, self.node_list[node.parent].y], "-g")
for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list:
# self.plot_circle(ox, oy, size)
plt.plot(ox, oy, "ok", ms=30 * size)
plt.plot(self.start.x, self.start.y, "xr")
plt.plot(self.goal.x, self.goal.y, "xr")
if path is not None:
plt.plot([x for (x, y) in path], [y for (x, y) in path], '-r')
# plt.axis([0, 18, -2, 15])
plt.axis([0, 50, 0, 30])
def line_cost(node1, node2):
return math.sqrt((node1.x - node2.x) ** 2 + (node1.y - node2.y) ** 2)
def is_near_goal(self, node):
d = self.line_cost(node, self.goal)#line_cost计算与终点的距离
if d < self.expand_dis:#距离小于步长,直接和终点相连
return True
return False
def distance_squared_point_to_segment(v, w, p): # 计算障碍物碰撞距离的函数
# Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p
if np.array_equal(v, w):
return (p - v).dot(p - v) # v == w case
l2 = (w - v).dot(w - v) # i.e. |w-v|^2 - avoid a sqrt
t = max(0, min(1, (p - v).dot(w - v) / l2))
projection = v + t * (w - v) # Projection falls on the segment
return (p - projection).dot(p - projection)
def check_segment_collision(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):#检查障碍物的方法,传入新生长路径的两个端点
for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list:#遍历所有的障碍物
dd = self.distance_squared_point_to_segment(#distance_squared_point_to_segment具体计算距离的,传入的参数是两个点和圆心
np.array([x1, y1]),
np.array([x2, y2]),
np.array([ox, oy]))
if dd <= size ** 2:
return False # collision
return True
def get_final_course(self, lastIndex):
path = [[self.goal.x, self.goal.y]]#存放终点
while self.node_list[lastIndex].parent is not None:#每个结点初始化为NONE
node = self.node_list[lastIndex]
path.append([node.x, node.y])
lastIndex = node.parent
path.append([self.start.x, self.start.y])
return path
def get_path_len(path):
pathLen = 0
for i in range(1, len(path)):
node1_x = path[i][0]
node1_y = path[i][1]
node2_x = path[i - 1][0]
node2_y = path[i - 1][1]
pathLen += math.sqrt((node1_x - node2_x)
** 2 + (node1_y - node2_y) ** 2)
return pathLen
class Node:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.cost = 0.0
self.parent = None
def main():
print("Start rrt planning")
obstacleList = [
(3, 3, 1.5),
(12, 2, 3),
(3, 9, 2),
(9, 11, 2),
(12, 8, 2),
(20, 12, 4),
(40, 20, 4),
(20, 20, 1.5),
(30, 6, 2),
(32, 22, 1),
(20, 15, 1.5),
(5, 17, 2),
(32, 12, 2),
(38, 28, 1),
(35, 26, 1.5),
(41, 26, 1),
(40, 11, 1),
(10, 19, 1),
(32, 17, 1)
rrt = RRT(randArea=[0, 50], obstacleList=obstacleList, maxIter=300)
path = rrt.rrt_planning(start=[5, 5], goal=[45, 25], animation=show_animation)#传入起点和终点
if show_animation and path:
if __name__ == '__main__':