文章目录python codesketch:pesudoCode:analyize:python codewith recursive and iteration version:# def activity_selector(start,finish,solved_i,scale_n):#next_i=solved_i+1#while next_i<=scale_n and start[n
python code
with recursive and iteration version:
# def activity_selector(start,finish,solved_i,scale_n):
# next_i=solved_i+1
# while next_i<=scale_n and start[next_i]<finish[solved_i]:
# next_i+=1
# if next_i<=scale_n:
# sub_result=activity_selector(start,finish,next_i,scale_n)
# # if sub_result is not none(empty)
# if not sub_result:
# return [next_i]
# else:
# return [next_i]+sub_result
# else:
# return None
import re
def activity_selector(start, finish, solved_i, scale_n):
start ([list]): [ the soved_i is the activity which is selected to the optimal solution set(use the index of the activity to represent)]
finish ([list]): [the start,finish are both array-like of (sperately start time and finish time)]
solved_i ([int]): [the scale_n is the problem scale to solve original input]
scale_n ([int]): [there,except the solved_i is variable parameter in the recursive invoke,others are keep their values]
[type]: [description]
# the next_i exactly mean that the next activity which will finished firstly in the unsovled activity set,
# meanwhile ,the next_i activity could not confflict with the solved(selected) one.
next_i = solved_i+1
# find the frist activity to finish in the set haven't been calculated
while next_i <= scale_n and start[next_i] < finish[solved_i]:
# find the first compatible activity:
next_i += 1
if next_i <= scale_n:
# the next_i there is one of the optimal solution's element;and recursively invoke the function(only change the next_i)
sub_result = activity_selector(start, finish, next_i, scale_n)
return [next_i]+sub_result
return []
def greedy_activity_selector(start, finish):
""" the iteration version: """
n = len(start)
result_list = [1]
selected_i = 1
for next_i in range(2, n):
if start[next_i] >= finish[selected_i]:
# result_list = result_list+[finish[selected_i]]
#iterate the result_list and the selected_i
result_list = result_list+[next_i]
selected_i = next_i
return result_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
# s=[1,3,0,5,3,5,6,8,8,2,12]
activity_tuples_list = [(0, 0), (1, 4), (3, 5), (0, 6), (5, 7),
(3, 9), (5, 9), (6, 10), (8, 11), (8, 12), (2, 14), (12, 16)]
# activity_tuples_list.sort(key=lambda tuple:tuple[1])
s = [activity[0] for activity in activity_tuples_list]
f = [activity[1] for activity in activity_tuples_list]
print("solved by recursive:")
result = activity_selector(s, f, 0, 11)
print("solved by iteration:")
result = greedy_activity_selector(s, f)