Exception | netty | This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean.
This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using 'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag tur
This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often
This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using ‘getBeanNamesOfType’ with the ‘allowEagerInit’ flag turned off, for example.
1. 原因
springboot:2.2.5-RELEASE 集成 netty-websocket-spring-boot-starter:0.9.5 产生循环Spring Bean循环依赖问题。
netty-websocket-spring-boot-starter版本问题 与springboot:2.2.5-RELEASE 不兼容
2. 解决
netty-websocket-spring-boot-starter 升级到 0.12.0 版本解决
这种问题大概都是 引入的三方框架 与SpringBoot 版本不兼容的问题 。