1.数据和目标使用数据:湖北省行政区数据 ;实现目标:根据图层张的CITY字段(地级市编码)属性对地级市中更小一级区划进行合并。使用工具:Arcgis中的Arctoolbox;2.实现方法(1)打开Arcgis中的arctoolbox(2)依次打开工具箱Data Management Tools->Generalzation->Dissolve(3)设置图层和参数Dissolve_Fi
使用数据:湖北省行政区数据 ;
(2)依次打开工具箱Data Management Tools->Generalzation->Dissolve
Statistics Field(s):统计字段,比如这里选择面积字段,可以统计多项属性,比如总和、最大值、最小值和平均值等。
- FIRST—Finds the first record in the Input Features and uses its specified field value.
- LAST—Finds the last record in the Input Features and uses its specified field value.
- SUM—Adds the total value for the specified field.
- MEAN—Calculates the average for the specified field.
- MIN—Finds the smallest value for all records of the specified field.
- MAX—Finds the largest value for all records of the specified field.
- RANGE—Finds the range of values (MAX–MIN) for the specified field.
- STD—Finds the standard deviation on values in the specified field.
- COUNT—Finds the number of values included in statistical calculations. This counts each value except null values. To determine the number of null values in a field, use the COUNT statistic on the field in question, and a COUNT statistic on a different field which does not contain nulls (for example, the OID if present), then subtract the two values.
Create Multipart Features(创建多部分要素,比如如果有多个相离的图斑也作为一个图斑):
Specifies whether multipart features are allowed in the output feature class.
- Checked—Specifies multipart features are allowed. This is the default.(默认合并为多部分要素图斑)
- Unchecked—Specifies multipart features are not allowed. Instead of creating multipart features, individual features will be created for each part.
Unsplit lines (optional):(是否融合边线,默认融合(或溶解)到图斑中)
Controls how line features are dissolved.
- Unchecked—Lines are dissolved into a single feature. This is the default.
- Checked—Lines are only dissolved when two lines have an end vertex in common.