💥1 概述
Multiaccess edge computing (MEC) is regarded as a promising solution to overcome the limit on the computation capacity of mobile devices. This article investigates an energy-efficient unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled MEC framework incorporating nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA), where multiple UAVs are deployed as edge servers to provide computation assistance to terrestrial users and NOMA is adopted to reduce the energy consumption of task offloading. A utility is formed to mathematically evaluate the weighted energy cost of the system. Due to the coupling of parameters, the minimization of utility is a highly nonconvex problem and therefore, the problem is decomposed into two more tractable subproblems, i.e., the optimal allocation of radio and computation resources given UAV trajectories, and the trajectory planning based on given resource allocation schemes. These two problems are converted to convex ones via successive convex approximation (SCA) and quadratic approximation, respectively. Then, an efficient iterative algorithm is proposed where these two subproblems are alternately solved to gradually approach the optimal resource management of the proposed system. Sufficient numerical results show that our proposed strategy has a remarkable advantage over existing systems in terms of energy efficiency.
📚2 运行结果
% This script describes a NOMA-assisted MEC system on UAV according to doc 'Model 1.pages'.
% Created and copyrighted by ZHANG Xiaochen at 10:22 a.m., Apr. 12, 2019.
%% Setup of the Model
% Consider U terrestrial users located in a area
U = 8; % Number of users/SMDs
% The size of the area is defined by:
lengthArea = 1000; % Length of the coverage area (m)
widthArea = 1000; % Width of the coverage area (m)
% U SMDs are uniformly distributed in the rectangular coverage area.
rUser = [lengthArea*rand(U, 1),widthArea*rand(U, 1), zeros(U, 1)];
% rUser = [100*(2:2:8).', 100*8*ones(U, 1), zeros(U, 1)];
% rUser = [[400,400,600,600].', [600,800,600,800].',zeros(U, 1)];
% rUser = [[100,500,800,600].', [600,600,600,800].',zeros(U, 1)];
rUser = [kron(100*(2:2:8).',ones(2,1)), ...
repmat([600, 800].', 4, 1),...
zeros(U, 1)];
% Divide the time interval into N tme slots.
T = 100; % Length of interval
N = 20; % Number of time slots
tau = T/N; % Duration of each time slot
% Set the initial trajectory of UAV
M = 2;
hUAV = 50; % Flying altitude of UAV
rI = [0, 0, hUAV; 0, 0, hUAV]; % Intial position of the UAV (M*3)
rF = [lengthArea, 0, hUAV; 0, widthArea, hUAV]; % Final position of the UAV
rUAV = zeros(N, 3, M); % Trajectory vector of the UAV
% rUAV(time, dimension, UAV index) is a N*3*M matrix of which each describes the 3-D coordinates of UAVs
% at each time slot.
for m = 1:M
rUAV(N, :, m) = rF(m, :);
for n = 1:N-1
for m = 1:M
rUAV(n, :, m) = rI(m, :)+n/N*(rF(m, :)-rI(m, :));
% Other parameters involved in the model.
omegaUser = 0.8; % Weight factor of users
omegaUAV = 1-omegaUser; % Weight factor of UAVs
N0 = 1e-17; % Power spectral density of AWGN (W/Hz)
B = 4e6; % System bandwidth (Hz)
D = 120*ones(U, 1); % Number of bits for each SMDs to finish (Mbit)
kappa = 1e-28; % Effective swiched capacitance of CPU
fmaxUAV = 20; % Maximum CPU frequency of MEC server (GHz)
fminUAV = 0; % Minimum CPU frequency of SMDs (GHz)
CUAV = 1e3; % Processing density of MEC server (Hz/bit)
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现