
  1. 从目标分支(target)新建分支(new-target)
  2. 执行以下步骤

Step 1. Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request

# 同步远程服务器上的数据到本地
git fetch origin

# 新建一个新分支本地分支与远程分支关联并获取远程分支
git checkout -b current origin/current

Step 2. Review the changes locally

Step 3. Merge the branch and fix any conflicts that come up

# 切换到新分支(new-target)
git checkout new-target

git merge --no-ff current

Step 4. Push the result of the merge to GitLab

# 推送到新分支(new-target)
git push origin new-target

Note that pushing to GitLab requires write access to this repository.

Tip: You can also checkout merge requests locally by following thest guidelines.

  1. 将新分支(new-target)合并到目标分支(target)即可

